domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2008

Middle East Demography: 80 million new jobs needed within 2020

Isobel Coleman, Senior Fellow for U.S. Foreign Policy
An old(but crucial) article from Dallas Morning News:

While the Middle East lurches from crisis to crisis, its greatest challenge today is probably not what most people think. It’s jobs.
With 65 percent of the region’s population under the age of 25, the Middle East has the fastest-growing labor force of any part of the world. This youth bulge is surging onto the labor market like a massive demographic tsunami. Just to keep pace with population growth, the Middle East must create 80 million new jobs over the next 15 years. And if it hopes to put a dent in its already high unemployment rate of 15 percent, it must create 100 million new jobs by 2020—a near doubling of today’s total employment.
To put this into perspective, the Middle East must create jobs at twice the pace of the United States in the go-go Clinton years, in an increasingly competitive international environment that is already accommodating the rise of India and China. Without making deep structural reforms, Middle East governments will never be able to meet the employment needs of its increasingly disaffected youth—a stark fact that, left unaddressed, leaves an entire generation ripe for radicalization.

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