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miércoles, 7 de enero de 2009
Robot density map
ForeignPolicy's Blog
Anyone know how to say "Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated," in Japanese? Not suprisingly, the land of the rising sun blows away the competition on IEEE Spectrum's robot density map.
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some books
A Demon of Our Own Design: Markets, Hedge Funds, and the Perils of Financial Innovation
A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide
A World of Chance: Betting on Religion, Games, Wall Street
An Engine, Not a Camera How Financial Models Shape Markets
Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism
Bailout Nation: How Easy Money Corrupted Wall Street and Shook the World Economy
Beyond Belief: Islamic Excursions Among the Converted Peoples
Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Social Movement in History Is Restoring Grace, Justice, and Beauty to the World
Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics: Entrepreneurship and the State
Chasing the Flame: One Man's Fight to Save the World
Cities and the Wealth of Nations
cradle to cradle remaking the way we make things
Culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations
Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy
Enduring Innocence: Global Architecture and Its Political Masquerades
Experiments in Ethics
Fear No Evil
Fortress Besieged
Globalized Islam: The Search for a New Ummah
Heroes and Cowards: The Social Face of War
Imagining India: The Idea of a Renewed Nation
In an Antique Land: History in the Guise of a Traveler's Tale
In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto
India: A Million Mutinies Now
India: The Emerging Giant
Inside the Red Mansion: On the Trail of China's Most Wanted Man
Institutions and the Path to the Modern Economy: Lessons from Medieval Trade
Life and Fate
Lombard Street: a description of the money market
Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World
Nudge Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness
Open Society and Its Enemies
Out of Revolution : Autobiography of Western Man
Predictably Irrational The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions
Radical Evolution: The Promise and Peril of Enhancing Our Minds, Our Bodies -- and What It Means to Be Human
Reinventing Foreign Aid
Science in Traditional China
Stabilizing an Unstable Economy
Temptations of the West: How to Be Modern in India, Pakistan, Tibet, and Beyond
The Adventures of Ibn Battuta: A Muslim Traveler of the Fourteenth Century
The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World
The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable
The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries are Failing and What Can Be Done About It
The City in History: Its Origins, Its Transformations, and Its Prospects
The Clash Within: Democracy, Religious Violence, and India's Future
The Craftsman
The Culture of War
The Death of Ramon Gonzalez: The Modern Agricultural Dilemma
The Illusions of Entrepreneurship: The Costly Myths That Entrepreneurs, Investors, and Policy Makers Live By
The King's Two Bodies
The Last Mughal: The Fall of a Dynasty: Delhi, 1857
The Long Day Wanes: A Malayan Trilogy
The New Paradigm for Financial Markets: The Credit Crisis of 2008 and What It Means
The Places In Between
The Prince of the Marshes: And Other Occupational Hazards of a Year in Iraq
The Search for Modern China
The Siege of Krishnapur
The Size of Nations
The Wasted Vigil
The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom
Traders, Guns & Money Knowns and unknowns in the dazzling world of derivatives
Wars, Guns, and Votes: Democracy in Dangerous Places
When China Ruled the Seas: The Treasure Fleet of the Dragon Throne, 1405-1433
Without Consent or Contract: The Rise and Fall of American Slavery
Mi lista de blogs
Marginal Revolution
Fabius Maximus
Grasping Reality with Both Hands: The Semi-Daily Journal of Economist Brad DeLong
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Economist's View
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Brad Setser: Follow the Money
China Financial Markets
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London Banker
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Archivo del blog
02/01 - 02/08
01/25 - 02/01
01/18 - 01/25
01/11 - 01/18
01/04 - 01/11
The Start-Ups We Don’t Need - By Scott Shane
Brazil Oil Finds May End Reliance on Middle East, ...
Paul Krugman: Trade and inequality, revisited
Does globalisation pacify international relations?
Cultural assimilation, cultural diffusion and the ...
Successful assimilation of immigrants - Esther Duflo
Morality matters for economic performance
Knight fever: People care for awards - Bruno Frey
Chinese companies worldwide
Social engineering
Shared Capitalism
A fast deflating bond bubble?
Is Financial History Bunk?
Robot density map
Some basic pattern in Chinese history
Post-Westphalian International Relations Series: N...
Once revolution is successful, the government need...
Fertility Rate: What figures-obsessed demographers...
Guardian front page: Ofsted's new mission - to get...
Israel's crisis of leadership: Neither Labor, Liku...
Chain of Syllogisms
Certi leader statunitensi dovrebbero pensarci bene...
More on trade imbalances - featuring Michael Petti...
LINKS 01.04.09
12/28 - 01/04
12/21 - 12/28
12/14 - 12/21
12/07 - 12/14
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